
Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Adam News!

Today Adam was the youth speaker at Church. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that he had said "yes" to that assignment. He finished helping with the Sacrament and came to his seat beside me. I had been sitting there wondering if he knew his name was on the program. I quickly pointed it out to him. He had forgotten. I told him he could just give his testimony. I was proud of him that he would march up to the front of the Chapel and take his seat beside the other speakers. He was the first speaker. He explained that he had forgotten he was to speak. He then proceeded to give a wonderful extemporaneous talk on the assigned subject of forgiveness. He told a story of how a young Nazi prison camp survivor was able to forgive one of her tormenters. He then bore his testimony. I was so proud of him!!! I was getting a lot of compliments about him throughout the rest of the three-hour block of meetings.


  1. Hey Aunt Gemie, my mom said you had a blog, and now I found it. Yay for me. I'm so glad to hear that you guys are doing well and keeping very busy it sounds like. We love you guys, keep up the good work.
